Models in Focus

We are building up a portfolio of models, not as a modeling school, but to help businesses in the sense of adding beauty and flair by being the front face to their promotions...


Realizing that there are many hundreds of pretty and beautiful faces in the market of modeling, all with stunning portfolio photos, cast with makeup and great lighting.

All looking fantastic, but they need to be seen in action instead of just photographs.

What better way than seing them in action as through video... The way they look. The way they respond. The way they react to the camera. Their different facial features and body movement... One video can equate to hours of browsing through piles of photos.


This is why we are offering a limited number of free video shoots, in as much natural light as possible, showcasing themselves in natural surroundings. In an honest and truthfull way to capture the attention of potential clients...


Below is one of our models, Riana, filmed in a playful manner, using only artifitial background light as an example, to movement and camera response.

So not only are we offering this shoot free, we will be 

promoting her with her own feature page on this website, thereby creating a marketing strategy through social media and direct interaction.